;Rel. Bahái Holy Days ;The Bahá'í religion was founded in Iran in the mid-19th century by Mirza Hoseyn 'Ali Nuri, who is known as Bahá' Ullah ;Years in the Bahá'í calendar are counted from 21 March 1844 CE, the beginning of the Bahá'í Era (abbreviated BE) ;The Bahá'í day begins at sunset of the previous day ;In 2014, the Universal House of Justice selected Tehran, the birthplace of Bahá'u'lláh, as the location to which the date of the vernal equinox is to be fixed, thereby "unlocking" the Badí' calendar from the Gregorian calendar. For determining the dates, astronomical tables from reliable sources are used. ;In the same message the Universal House of Justice decided that the birthdays of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh will be celebrated on "the first and the second day following the occurrence of the eighth new moon after Naw-Rúz" (also with the use of astronomical tables) and fixed the dates of the Bahá'í Holy Days in the Bahá'í calendar, standardizing dates for Bahá'ís worldwide. By this decision, the Badí' calendar was "unlocked" from the Islamic lunar calendar, as the celebration of the birthdays of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh are no longer connected to the month of Muharram, and therefore do not drift continually backward by about 11 days, from year to year. ;These changes came into effect as of sunset on 20 March 2015. ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_Bahai.gif COMMENT=Updated October 21, 2018 \nBE = Bahá'í Era \nThe Bahá'í day begins at sunset of the previous day \ncalendar see: Cal. Bahá'í months ;National days 21.3.>1998 =Bahá'í-New Zealand, #1998th Race Unity Day* ;Note=1st New Zealand 1999, 1st awards 2001 {d} 01.6.+2Su>1956 =Bahá'í-US, #1956th Race Unity Day* ;Note=1st US 1957 {d} 01.9.+3Sa>1958<1985 =Bahá'í-US, #1958th World Peace Day* ;Note=1st 1959, 1985 >Sep. 21 (UN day) {d-09-21} 21.9.>1984 =Bahá'í-US, #1958th World Peace Day* ;Note=1959>1984 3rd Saturday September, 1985 >Sep. 21 (UN day) {d} ;- ;Before Naw-Rúz 2015 in western countries (For eastern countries where the Islamic lunar calendar was used, the Bahá'í calendar synchronized with the Islamic Lunar calendar) 22.4.<2015 =Bahá'í, 2nd day of Ridvan (14 Jalál #1843 BE, 12d) 23.4.<2015 =Bahá'í, 3th day of Ridvan (15 Jalál #1843 BE, 12d) 24.4.<2015 =Bahá'í, 4th day of Ridvan (16 Jalál #1843 BE, 12d) 25.4.<2015 =Bahá'í, 5th day of Ridvan (17 Jalál #1843 BE, 12d) 26.4.<2015 =Bahá'í, 6th day of Ridvan (18 Jalál #1843 BE, 12d) 27.4.<2015 =Bahá'í, 7th day of Ridvan (19 Jalál #1843 BE, 12d) 28.4.<2015 =Bahá'í, 8th day of Ridvan (1 Jamál #1843 BE) 30.4.<2015 =Bahá'í, 10th day of Ridvan (3 Jamál #1843 BE) 01.5.<2015 =Bahá'í, 11th day of Ridvan (4 Jamál #1843 BE) 23.5.<2015 =Bahá'í, Birth of 'Abdu'l-Bahá #1844 year ago (7 'Azamat)** ;Note=Persia, son of Bahá'u'lláh, 1844 {d} ;06.8.<2015 =Bahá'í, Ascension of Dr. Leland Jensen* ;22.8.<2015 =Bahá'í, Birthday of Dr. Leland Jensen* 01.1.+3Su>1949<2016 =Bahá'í, #1949th World Religion Day* ;Note=1st 1950, day dedicated to the unity of all world religions {m} 02.3.<2016 =Bahá'í, 1st day of fasting (1 'Alá #1844 BE) 20.3.<2016 =Bahá'í, 19th & last day of fasting (19 'Alá #1844 BE) ;Nineteen Day Fast, Baha'i Fast to be observed by Baha'i adults in good health-sunrise to sundown no food or drink ;The monthly Bahá'í Feast occurs every 19 days when all members of the local Bahá'í community gather to share devotions, consultation and fellowship. ;Bahá'í communities hold Feast, normally, on the first day of the Bahá'í month, each of which is 19 days long. Hence, the term "19-Day Feast." ;Under adverse or abnormal circumstances, the Feast Day may be postponed to another day, but it is important that the Feast be conducted. 21.3.<2015 =Feast of Bahá ;Note=1 Bahá #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Splendor 09.4.<2015 =Feast of Jalál ;Note=1 Jalál #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Glory 28.4.<2015 =Feast of Jamál ;Note=1 Jamál #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Beauty 17.5.<2015 =Feast of 'Azamat ;Note=1 'Azamat #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Grandeur 05.6.<2015 =Feast of Núr ;Note=1 Núr #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Light 24.6.<2015 =Feast of Rahmat ;Note=1 Rahmat #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Mercy 13.7.<2015 =Feast of Kalimát ;Note=1 Kalimát #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Words 01.8.<2015 =Feast of Kamál ;Note=1 Kamál #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Perfection 20.8.<2015 =Feast of Asmá' ;Note=1 Asmá' #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Names 08.9.<2015 =Feast of 'Izzat ;Note=1 'Izzat #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Might 27.9.<2015 =Feast of Mashiyyat ;Note=1 Mashíyyat #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Will 16.10.<2015 =Feast of 'Ilm ;Note=1 'Ilm #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Knowledge 04.11.<2015 =Feast of Qudrat ;Note=1 Qudrat #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Power 23.11.<2015 =Feast of Qawl ;Note=1 Qawl #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Speech 12.12.<2015 =Feast of Masá'il ;Note=1 Masá'il BE #1843 (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Questions 31.12.<2015 =Feast of Sharaf ;Note=1 Sharaf #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Honor 19.1.<2016 =Feast of Sultán ;Note=1 Sultán #1844 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Sovereignty 07.2.<2016 =Feast of Mulk ;Note=1 Mulk #1844 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Dominion 26.2.<2016 =Ayyam-i-Ha ;Note=1 Ayyám-i-há #1844 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} 02.3.<2016 =Feast of 'Alá ;Note=1 'Alá #1844 BE (Bahá'í calendar) {d} ;English=Loftiness TYP=Local ;Bahái Holy Days 21.3.<2015 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note={d} 21.4.<2015 =Bahá'í, 1st day of Ridvan (13 Jalál #1843 BE, 12d) ;Note={d} 29.4.<2015 =Bahá'í, 9th day of Ridvan (2 Jamál #1843 BE) ;Note={d} 02.5.<2015 =Bahá'í, 12th day of Ridvan (5 Jamál #1843 BE) ;Note={d} 23.5.<2015 =Bahá'í, Declaration of the Báb (7 'Azamat #1843 BE) ;Note=recognition declaration #1844 years ago by Ali Muhammed that he is the anticipated 'Coming One' of all religions 29.5.<2015 =Bahá'í, Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh (13 'Azamat #1843 BE) ;Note=Ascension of Baha'u'llah, Baha'i recollection of the death of Mirza Husayn Ali {d} 09.7.<2015 =Bahá'í, Martyrdom of the Báb (16 Rahmat #1843 BE) ;Note=Ali Muhammed was executed #1850 years ago {d} 20.10.<2015 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (5 'Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago ;in 2014, the Universal House of Justice decided to celebrate the twin holy days on the first and second day following the eighth new moon after Naw-Rúz, starting from March 20, 2015 onwards. 12.11.<2015 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá'u'lláh (9 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí {d} ;Until March 20, 2015, in most of the world, the holy day was celebrated according to the solar year on 12 November, and the birth of the Báb was celebrated on 20 October. n 2014, the Universal House of Justice decided to celebrate the twin holy days on the first and second day following the eighth new moon after Naw-Rúz, starting from March 20, 2015 onwards. 26.11.<2015 =Bahá'í, Day of the Covenant (4 Qawl #1843 BE) ;Note=covenant given in the last will and testament of Baha'u'llah {d} 28.11.<2015 =Bahá'í, Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (6 Qawl #1843 BE) ;Note=passing of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, #1921 years ago {d} ;- ;From Naw-Rúz 21.3.2015 22.4.>2014 =Bahá'í, 2nd day of Ridvan (14 Jalál #1843 BE, 12d) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={we} 23.4.>2014 =Bahá'í, 3th day of Ridvan (15 Jalál #1843 BE, 12d) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={we} 24.4.>2014 =Bahá'í, 4th day of Ridvan (16 Jalál #1843 BE, 12d) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={we} 25.4.>2014 =Bahá'í, 5th day of Ridvan (17 Jalál #1843 BE, 12d) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={we} 26.4.>2014 =Bahá'í, 6th day of Ridvan (18 Jalál #1843 BE, 12d) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={we} 27.4.>2014 =Bahá'í, 7th day of Ridvan (19 Jalál #1843 BE, 12d) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={we} 28.4.>2014 =Bahá'í, 8th day of Ridvan (1 Jamál #1843 BE) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={we} 30.4.>2014 =Bahá'í, 10th day of Ridvan (3 Jamál #1843 BE) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={we} 01.5.>2014 =Bahá'í, 11th day of Ridvan (4 Jamál #1843 BE) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={we} 23.5.>2014 =Bahá'í, Birth of 'Abdu'l-Bahá #1844 year ago (7 'Azamat)** [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note=Persia, son of Bahá'u'lláh, 1844 {d} ;06.8.>2014 =Bahá'í, Ascension of Dr. Leland Jensen* [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={n} ;22.8.>2014 =Bahá'í, Birthday of Dr. Leland Jensen* [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={n} 01.1.+3Su>2015 =Bahá'í, #1949th World Religion Day* [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note=1st 1950, day dedicated to the unity of all world religions {m} 02.3.>2015 =Bahá'í, 1st day of fasting (1 'Alá #1844 BE) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={we} 20.3.>2015 =Bahá'í, 19th & last day of fasting (19 'Alá #1844 BE) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={we} ;Nineteen Day Fast, Baha'i Fast to be observed by Baha'i adults in good health-sunrise to sundown no food or drink ;The monthly Bahá'í Feast occurs every 19 days when all members of the local Bahá'í community gather to share devotions, consultation and fellowship. ;Bahá'í communities hold Feast, normally, on the first day of the Bahá'í month, each of which is 19 days long. Hence, the term "19-Day Feast." ;Under adverse or abnormal circumstances, the Feast Day may be postponed to another day, but it is important that the Feast be conducted. 21.3.>2014 =Feast of Bahá ;Note=1 Bahá #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Splendor 09.4.>2014 =Feast of Jalál ;Note=1 Jalál #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Glory 28.4.>2014 =Feast of Jamál ;Note=1 Jamál #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Beauty 17.5.>2014 =Feast of 'Azamat ;Note=1 'Azamat #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Grandeur 05.6.>2014 =Feast of Núr ;Note=1 Núr #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Light 24.6.>2014 =Feast of Rahmat ;Note=1 Rahmat #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Mercy 13.7.>2014 =Feast of Kalimát ;Note=1 Kalimát #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Words 01.8.>2014 =Feast of Kamál ;Note=1 Kamál #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Perfection 20.8.>2014 =Feast of Asmá' ;Note=1 Asmá' #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Names 08.9.>2014 =Feast of 'Izzat ;Note=1 'Izzat #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Might 27.9.>2014 =Feast of Mashiyyat ;Note=1 Mashíyyat #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Will 16.10.>2014 =Feast of 'Ilm ;Note=1 'Ilm #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Knowledge 04.11.>2014 =Feast of Qudrat ;Note=1 Qudrat #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Power 23.11.>2014 =Feast of Qawl ;Note=1 Qawl #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Speech 12.12.>2014 =Feast of Masá'il ;Note=1 Masá'il BE #1843 (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Questions 31.12.>2014 =Feast of Sharaf ;Note=1 Sharaf #1843 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Honor 19.1.>2014 =Feast of Sultán ;Note=1 Sultán #1844 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1844 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Sovereignty 07.2.>2014 =Feast of Mulk ;Note=1 Mulk #1844 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1844 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Dominion 26.2.>2014 =Ayyam-i-Ha ;Note=1 Ayyám-i-há #1844 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1844 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} 02.3.>2014 =Feast of 'Alá ;Note=1 'Alá #1844 BE (Bahá'í calendar) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1844 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] {d} ;English=Loftiness TYP=Local ;Bahái Holy Days ;21.3.>2014 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={d} 21.3.>2014<2016 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=21.3.2015 {n} 20.3.>2015<2019 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=20.3.2016-2017 {n} 21.3.>2017<2020 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=21.3.2018-2019 {n} 20.3.>2019<2022 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=20.3.2020-2021 {n} 21.3.>2021<2024 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=21.3.2022-2023 {n} 20.3.>2023<2026 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=20.3.2024-2025 {n} 21.3.>2025<2028 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=21.3.2026-2027 {n} 20.3.>2027<2031 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=20.3.2028-2030 {n} 21.3.>2030<2032 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=21.3.2031 {n} 20.3.>2031<2035 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=20.3.2032-2034 {n} 21.3.>2034<2036 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=21.3.2035 {n} 20.3.>2035<2039 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=20.3.2036-2038 {n} 21.3.>2038<2040 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=21.3.2039 {n} 20.3.>2039<2043 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=20.3.2040-2042 {n} 21.3.>2042<2044 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=21.3.2043 {n} 20.3.>2034<2047 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=20.3.2044-2046 {n} 21.3.>2046<2048 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=21.3.2047 {n} 20.3.>2047<2051 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=20.3.2048-2050 {n} 21.3.>2050<2052 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=21.3.2051 {n} 20.3.>2051<2055 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=20.3.2052-2054 {n} 21.3.>2054<2056 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=21.3.2055 {n} 20.3.>2055<2065 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) ;Note=20.3.2056-2064 {n} 21.3.>2064 =Bahá'í, Naw-Rúz (Bahá'ís New Year, 1 Bahá #1843 BE) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={d} 21.4.>2014 =Bahá'í, 1st day of Ridvan (13 Jalál #1843 BE, 12d) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={d} 29.4.>2014 =Bahá'í, 9th day of Ridvan (2 Jamál #1843 BE) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={d} 02.5.>2014 =Bahá'í, 12th day of Ridvan (5 Jamál #1843 BE) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note={d} 23.5.>2014 =Bahá'í, Declaration of the Báb (7 'Azamat #1843 BE) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note=recognition declaration #1844 years ago by Ali Muhammed that he is the anticipated 'Coming One' of all religions 29.5.>2014 =Bahá'í, Ascension of Bahá'u'lláh (13 'Azamat #1843 BE) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note=Ascension of Baha'u'llah, Baha'i recollection of the death of Mirza Husayn Ali {d} 09.7.>2014 =Bahá'í, Martyrdom of the Báb (16 Rahmat #1843 BE) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note=Ali Muhammed was executed #1850 years ago {d} ;in 2014, the Universal House of Justice decided to celebrate the twin holy days on the first and second day following the eighth new moon after Naw-Rúz, starting from March 20, 2015 onwards ;Prior to 2015 and a decision by the Universal House of Justice, these two holy days had been observed on the first and second days of Muharram in the Islamic lunar calendar in the Middle East, while other countries observed them according to the Gregorian calendar on 20 October (for the birth of the Báb) and 12 November (for the birth of Bahá'u'lláh). 13.11.>2014<2016 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (10 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2015, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 01.11.>2015<2017 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (18 'Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2016, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 21.10.>2016<2018 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (7 'Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2017, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 09.11.>2017<2019 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (6 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2018, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 29.10.>2018<2020 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (14 'Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2019, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago, Bicentennial of the Birth of the Báb 18.10.>2019<2021 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (4 'Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2020, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 06.11.>2020<2022 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (4 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2021, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 26.10.>2021<2023 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (11 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2022, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 16.10.>2022<2024 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (1 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2023, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 02.11.>2023<2025 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (19 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2024, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 22.10.>2024<2026 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (8 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2025, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 10.11.>2025<2027 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (7 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2026, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 30.10.>2026<2028 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (15 ‘Ilm#1843 BE) ;Note=2027, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 19.10.>2027<2029 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (5 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2028, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 07.11.>2028<2030 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (5 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2029, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 28.10.>2029<2031 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (14 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2030, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 17.10.>2030<2032 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (2 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2031, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 04.11.>2031<2033 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (2 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2032, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 24.10.>2032<2034 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (10 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2033, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 12.11.>2033<2035 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (10 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2034, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 01.11.>2034<2036 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (17 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2035, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 20.10.>2035<2037 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (6 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2036, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 08.11.>2036<2038 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (6 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2037, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 29.10.>2037<2039 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (15 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2038, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 19.10.>2038<2040 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (4 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2039, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 06.11.>2039<2041 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (4 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2040, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 26.10.>2040<2042 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (12 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2041, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 15.10.>2041<2043 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (1 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2042, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 03.11.>2042<2044 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (19 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2043, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 22.10.>2043<2045 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (8 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2044, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 10.11.>2044<2046 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (8 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2045, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 30.10.>2045<2047 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (16 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2046, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 20.10.>2046<2048 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (5 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2047, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 07.11.>2047<2049 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (5 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2048, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 28.10.>2048<2050 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (14 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2049, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 17.10.>2049<2051 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (3 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2050, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 05.11.>2050<2052 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (2 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2051, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 24.10.>2051<2053 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (10 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2052, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 11.11.>2052<2054 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (9 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2053, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 01.11.>2053<2055 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (18 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2054, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 21.10.>2054<2056 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (6 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2055, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 08.11.>2055<2057 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (6 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2056, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 29.10.>2056<2058 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (15 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2057, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 18.10.>2057<2059 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (4 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2058, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 06.11.>2058<2060 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (4 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2059, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 25.10.>2059<2061 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (11 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2060, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 14.10.>2060<2062 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (19 Mashíyyat #1843 BE) ;Note=2061, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 02.11.>2061<2063 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (19 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2062, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 23.10.>2062<2064 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (9 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2063, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago 10.11.>2063<2065 =Bahá'í, Birth of the Báb (8 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2064, honoring of the founder of Bábism, Sayyed ʿAli Muhammad Shirāzi, #1819 years ago ;- 14.11.>2014<2016 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (11 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2015, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 02.11.>2015<2017 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (19 'Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2016, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 22.10.>2016<2018 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (8 'Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2017, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 10.11.>2017<2019 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (7 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2018, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 30.10.>2018<2020 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (15 'Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2019, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago, Bicentennial of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh 19.10.>2019<2021 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (5 'Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2020, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 07.11.>2020<2022 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (5 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2021, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 27.10.>2021<2023 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (12 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2022, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 17.10.>2022<2024 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (2 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2023, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 03.11.>2023<2025 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (1 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2024, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 23.10.>2024<2026 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (9 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2025, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 11.11.>2025<2027 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (8 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2026, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 31.10.>2026<2028 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (16 ‘Ilm#1843 BE) ;Note=2027, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 20.10.>2027<2029 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (6 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2028, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 08.11.>2028<2030 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (6 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2029, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 29.10.>2029<2031 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (15 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2030, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 18.10.>2030<2032 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (3 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2031, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 05.11.>2031<2033 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (3 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2032, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 25.10.>2032<2034 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (11 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2033, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 13.11.>2033<2035 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (11 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2034, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 02.11.>2034<2036 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (18 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2035, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 21.10.>2035<2037 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (7 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2036, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 09.11.>2036<2038 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (7 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2037, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 30.10.>2037<2039 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (16 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2038, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 20.10.>2038<2040 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (5 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2039, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 07.11.>2039<2041 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (5 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2040, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 27.10.>2040<2042 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (13 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2041, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 16.10.>2041<2043 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (2 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2042, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 01.11.>2042<2044 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (1 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2043, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 22.10.>2043<2045 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (8 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2044, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 11.11.>2044<2046 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (9 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2045, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 31.10.>2045<2047 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (17 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2046, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 21.10.>2046<2048 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (6 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2047, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 08.11.>2047<2049 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (6 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2048, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 29.10.>2048<2050 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (15 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2049, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 18.10.>2049<2051 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (4 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2050, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 06.11.>2050<2052 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (3 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2051, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 25.10.>2051<2053 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (11 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2052, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 12.11.>2052<2054 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (10 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2053, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 02.11.>2053<2055 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (19 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2054, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 22.10.>2054<2056 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (7 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2055, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 09.11.>2055<2057 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (7 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2056, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 30.10.>2056<2058 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (16 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2057, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 19.10.>2057<2059 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (5 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2058, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 07.11.>2058<2060 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (5 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2059, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 26.10.>2059<2061 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (12 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2060, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 15.10.>2060<2062 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (1 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2061, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 03.11.>2061<2063 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (1 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2062, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 24.10.>2062<2064 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (10 ‘Ilm #1843 BE) ;Note=2063, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 11.11.>2063<2065 =Bahá'í, Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (9 Qudrat #1843 BE) ;Note=2064, honoring of the founder of the Bahá'í Faith, Mírzá Husayn-`Alí Núrí, #1817 years ago 26.11.>2014 =Bahá'í, Day of the Covenant (4 Qawl #1843 BE) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note=covenant given in the last will and testament of Baha'u'llah {d} 28.11.>2014 =Bahá'í, Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (6 Qawl #1843 BE) [±1 day, 1 Bahá #1843 BE=date March equinox in Teheran] ;Note=passing of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, #1921 years ago {d} ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bah%E1%27%ED_calendar ;http://www.bahai.be/nl/heiligedagen.htm ;http://bahai-invitation.com/feast/ ;http://bahai-invitation.com/feast/fhlydys.html ;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_Holy_Birthdays ;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birth_of_Bah%C3%A1%27u%27ll%C3%A1h ;http://bahai-library.com/uhj_badi_calendar_2014